My b'day

dezz b'day

today is my b'day
dan yang bisa gue bilang ALHAMDULLILAH
karena masih di beri tambah umur, kesehatan cukup, rejeki lumayan, dan pastinya selalu dikelilingi oleh orang-orang yang sayang dan sangat perhatian.

Juga gue mau bilang TERIMA KASIH
To: my big family, teman-teman terbaik ku, juga untuk kamu.. yup kamu yang baca hehe..
Thank you. Untuk semua ucapan serta doanya baik yang udah telpon, sms, email, testi, dll
Doa terbanyak kayaknya soal karir dan jodoh niih!! yang terakhir sangat dibutuhkan tapi belum nemu yang tepat haha..

Ps: my.zy thanks lho.. morning call'nya
dan lagu dashboard conf. "stolen" spesial to you all

Dashboard Confessional- Stolen

We watch the season
Pull up it’s own stakes
And catch the last weekend
Of the last week
Before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced
Another sun soaked season fades away

You have stolen my heart
You have stolen my heart

Invitation only
Grant Farewells
Crash the best one
Of the best ones
Clear liquor and cloudy eyed
Too early to say goodnight

You have stolen my heart
You have stolen my heart

And from the ballroom floor
We are in celebration
One good stretch before our hibernation
Our dreams assured and we all
Will sleep well

Sleep Well.. Sleep Well
Sleep Well.. Sleep Well

you have stolen
you have stolen my
you have stolen my heart

Watch you spin around
In your highest heels
You are the best one
Of the best ones
And we All Look Like We Feel

you have stolen my
you have stolen my
you have stolen my heart


pyuriko said...

Happy Bez Day Des,...

Panjang umurnya, sehat slalu, dan tercapai sgala cita dan cintanya,... amin.

Muacchhh,... Iko

Anonymous said...

wah dezz
met ultah yah...
panjang umurnya, panjang umurnya, panjang umurnya serta mulia serta muliaa....

makin sehat aja, banyak rejekinya dan bahagia.


Anonymous said...

met ultah ya dezz.... panjang umur dan panjang jodoh... semogaaa.... :D

Anonymous said...

Met B'Day...kalao bisa seh ada Trakterannnya

Deedee said...

happy birthday darlings..
merry x-mas yak lahirnya? kembar dong sama Jesus? ehueheu.. *piss out*
eh, akiu baru masuk tgl 22 january duonks.. hihihi..

Anonymous said...

met ultah ya des.. maaf telat..

maklum lah orang sibuk :p

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